About Rogue

My foray into the creative arts began long ago but didn’t truly become one of my greatest passions until somewhere around 2018 when I began writing a story that literally changed my life.

My love for that story led to many an art commission, which then led to a deep interest in art itself. I desperately wanted to learn to draw for myself but, at the time, was too intimidated to try.

And then 2020 hit. During that nightmare era, I decided to take the plunge and bought a cheap little drawing tablet, and drawing became an instant obsession. I will always feel like I have more to learn and accomplish with the skills I’m honing, but I can confidently refer to myself as an artist now.

And flash forward to today, where I’m comfortably immersed in various creative projects. The story from 2018, titled Reverie, is being turned into my very first Visual Novel and is my number one passion project of the bunch, though. I’m single-handedly drawing all the art and writing the code/script. Fortunately, the story itself is already written (thanks past me!), so it’s just a matter of the aforementioned items! It’s a LOT of work, but it’s hands down the most fulfilling thing I have ever done. I’m extremely excited to share more with you in the near future!

Thank you so much for visiting my gallery!